So, When is Stuff Art?!
An activity on the Art World and the art of subjectivity
Today you are becoming an art curator for a world renowned art gallery.
View this clip and meet your new boss, the famous art collector Ongo. As you’re viewing, make some brief notes for yourself so you can compare at the end of the lesson. Ask yourself the following: “What is curating? Do I have what it takes to be an art curator?”
Clearly, Ongo is a fake character from a fictional show, but for today’s lesson we’re going to pretend he’s real and you work for him.
Scenario: You’re the new curator at Ongo’s gallery: Atelier Populaire. You arrive at work Monday morning and the first thing you do is check your email. There is an email from Ongo waiting your inbox….
Here are detailed images of the works of art your assistant has provided you with. Scroll through to view them all.
Here is the layout of the gallery space your assistant has provided for you. Feel free to download and print out if that’s easier for you.
Atelier Populaire Gallery Floorplan
There are 11 works of art arriving for the show. Main room fits 5 works of art comfortably. Both side rooms can fit 3 works of art in each room comfortably. Certain works of art may be omitted if they do not meet the criteria you set for yourself.
Visit the Jamboard and find an empty page that hasn’t been completed yet. Don’t look at others’ work and let their arrangements influence yours. Remember there is no right or wrong way to arrange things. Put your name on your page. Drag and drop and rearrange the works in a layout that works for you. Provide a brief explanation or “name” for each gallery that explains why you put those works there. When you are finished you may come back to this page and fill out your “exit ticket”
Before you complete your exit ticket, watch this video.
PART IV (optional)
Review the works once more, only now, you have the opportunity to understand what the works are about in more detail. Does this change how you want to arrange your gallery?
![Map of Broken Glass by Robert Smithson](
![Tramonto Spaventoso by Albert Oehlen](
![I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art by John Baldessari](
![Equivalent V by Carl Andre](
![Monument by Dan Flavin](
![Untitled by Donald Judd](
![Cage 1 by Gerhard Richter](
![Today Series: Jan 21, 1982 by On Kawara](
![Relatum by Lee Ufan](
![Painted on 21st Street by Helen Frankenthaler](
![In One and Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth](
If knowing more about the works of art have impacted you and you would like to rearrange your show, you may do so. Go back to the Jamboard page, start a new page so that you will have two Jamboard pages, and repeat the same steps as before.
We’re almost there! Answer a few more questions.